How to install Java in your computer

Java is a programming language developed by computer prodigy Mr. James Gosling and released in 1995. Java was copyrighted by the company Sun microsystems. Later, Oracle company legally acquired sun microsystems and its respective products.

Java is a multi-paradigm, object orientd, structured, imperative, generic and reflective. It has more similarities with C and C++ programming language. It also implemented some new concepts like Overriding, Reflection and so on.

In this first lesson, I'm going to teach about installation of java in your computer system. First of all, you should know java is a interpreter, not a compiler. Want to know more about interpreter, google it.

Step 1:
Download Java to install it in your computer. Here is the link

Select Accept License agreement

Then download java which supports your operating system

Step 2:
After download completed, it's time to install java. Now, as usual installation to complete java installation. Here are the screenshots which help you to install java properly

You step into java by installing java in your system. We are working on the more interesting java lessons for you...